Sunday, April 20, 2014

Something new I'm working on...

I know I haven't updated here in a long time. That's mainly because I've been meaning to redesign this site for a long time but there never seems to be enough time to do everything.

I did finally redesign my portfolio website ( I'm happy with the result and have started looking for another job. I'm grateful for the job I have now but I feel like I've outgrown it a bit and want to look for something with better creative opportunities and responsibilities. I've had some interviews but so far no luck. We'll see what happens.

I've also decided to redo my facebook header. This is what I've been currently working on.

I don't understand why blogger gets rid of some of the contrast. The foreground is supposed to be darker and the bg is a little bit lighter. Anyway, I'm liking the direction this is going in. The animals I have sketched in will be mutated rats I think.

During this process, it really has been a journey and where it's going is certainly better than what I thought it would be. When this is finished, I'll post the result.

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